CNI - Complete Networks Inc.

Company Experience
Data Acquisition Systems
Complete Networks has experience designing and producing data acquisition systems using hardware from multiple vendors and under various development environments. Complete Networks had been subcontracted to provide seven high-speed, low-noise data acquisition systems for a jet engine manufacturer over a fifteen-month period. These systems utilized reflective memory, high-speed ethernet, multi-VXI chassis interconnection, and in-place calibration to achieve continuous real-time data acquisition.
Functional Test Systems
Complete Networks has designed and produced functional test systems for a variety of applications. CNI had been subcontracted by a major defense contractor to provide sixteen specialized functional test systems over a fifteen-month period. Five different system configurations were designed and delivered. A mobile calibration station was created for in-place calibration of each system.
Embedded PC Systems
CNI has developed and produced an embedded PC system called a Tactical Antenna Switching and Positioning System (TASPS). The TASPS is used to support military satellite communications.
Software Development
CNI is experienced working under multiple programming languages and operating systems. Driver development, device communication, and interface design are a few examples of Complete Network's software development activities.
Software Development
Complete Networks is very experienced at assembling and populating equipment racks ("rack and stack") along with fabricating custom cabling. Several of CNI's customers have found it extremely convenient and cost-effective to take advantage of these capabilities by adding CNI as a member of thier team. CNI engineers work with the customer's engineers to coordinate activites such as drawing changes and prioritizing efforts.